Jim Champ's Messaging Service

Send a Message to Jim Champ

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Q. Is my email address safe here?

A. Well *I'm* not going to spam you, nor pass your email to anyone who will, nor post your email address anywhere else. This sort of script isn't mega secure, but its should be OK. If you're worried, don't use it. There are no guarantees. There's no logging or anything, (well other than server mail system logs) so there's not a log of email addresses somewhere on the server some lowlife could hack into.

Conditions of Use

This page and script is solely for private individuals to communicate with the author. Communications from friends and acquaintances are very welcome. Unsolicited personal emails relevant to the contents of the site or the site creator are permitted. Businesses and organisations may only use the scripts for communications directly and immediately relevant to the content of URls that I link to this page.

The use, misuse or abuse of these scripts for any kind of commercial email, mass email or any attempt to use it to contact anyone other than myself is prohibited.

There are no guarantees that communications will work correctly, if at all. Your message may not be transmitted unaltered and or in its entirety.

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© Jim Champ, last edit 10 May 2024

RS500 at IBRSC Maintenance on groupama: C Class Worlds, Falmouth Oops Island Barn Reservoir SC Laser Race at IBRSC Canoe Europeans, Loch Lomond Solo race at IBRSC IBRSC Toppper Sailor Nancy Scott

Sailing Photos by Jim Champ

2015 International Canoe 257, 2008 In Cherub 2641 Halo Jones, 2003. Sailing the ++. Around 2000 Playing Bass Guitar, late 90s In Cherub 2641 Halo Jones, early 90s. Old picture of me riding a bike, maybe early 80s

Various photos from the last thirty years!