Sailing homepage for Jim Champ, who normally sails development class boats and posts too much on net forums...
Main Links
- Personal Page - something about me - the usual...
- Sailing Pages - mainly development boats...
- Railway Pages - mainly the Great Western Railway...
- IT Page - various open source snippets and utilities.
- Tunes book - a collection of tunes, mostly played at the Ewell Sessions.
My Projects and Boats
- Rebuilding IC257 - Rebuild of my Canoe from a bare shell.
- New Stern for IC257 - Experimental change of stern shape on my Canoe.
- ++ Singlehander - designed and part built by the editor.
Articles posted here
- America's Cup Jubilee - some photos from the 2001 event.
- Cherub versus Flying Dutchman - In my Cherub days we once shared a race course with an FD fleet. Contrast!
- Topper Mainsheet Trials - In 2002 the International Topper Class organised a set of trials to compare the traditional aft and the proposed centre mainsheet. This is the statistical evaluation.
- Portsmouth Yardstick - A summary from a RYA seminar on the scheme from 2000.
- Handicap Bandits? - From 2007 - a probably hopeless attempt to explode the myth!
- Dinghy Design - Some thoughts on how its changed over the years.
- A Christmas Tale
Selected articles from the Cherub Website
- Jellyfish ate my Rudder (Cherub Nationals 1990)
- What Happens when you put the Kite up? (1996)
- Building Carbon Masts ( 1998 )
- Crew Speed or Handicap? ( 1998 )
- Weymouth Nationals (2001)
Published Articles
- The Two Fastest Twelve footers in the UK. Yachts and Yachting, 1989
- Plus Plus. Pitstop: Yachts and Yachting, January 1999
- Designing Dinghies. Yachts and Yachting, March 2002
- Magnificent Machines. Yachts and Yachting, January 2007
- Just Like Starting Over (International Canoe Restoration) Dinghy Sailing, May 2008
Development Sailboat Class Pages
- International Canoe
- UK Cherub Association
- Australian Cherub Association Pages
- 12 Foot Skiff Class (New Zealand)
- 12 Foot Skiff Class (NSW, AUS)
- International Moth
- New Zealand R Class
- International 14
- The Australian NS14 Sailing Dinghy
- New Zealand Javelin
- Merlin Rocket
- National 12
- 16 foot Skiffs
Contact Me
- Email Form,
- Linked in profile
- or even Facebook.
© Jim Champ, last edit 10 May 2024
Sailing Photos by Jim Champ
Various photos from the last thirty years!